
The Arrogant Journey: Hermeneutics and Church History is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Arrogant Journey provides an overview of hermeneutics and nearly two thousand years’ worth of church history. The first part explores how God’s Word has been interpreted from Adam’s time until now. Part two contains a church history from the first century to the present, covering such events as the Christian persecution, rise of Islam, Crusades, Great Schism, Protestant Reformation, Age of...

to the European colonies in America. It certainly influenced the Revolutionary War in America. The death knell for absolute monarchs who ruled by the “divine right of kings” came in first bloom with the French Revolution (1789–1799). There followed many other revolutions inspired by the Enlightenment and especially the bloody example of France. Within a short period of time, religion was essentially abolished in France. The birth of liberal theology was from Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834).
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